Tuesday, February 06, 2007

vanguards need more teamwork

This post has nothing to do with ze title. :))

Well, I saw this post in Friendster, and i find it amusing. Is it all just coincidence?

JUNE = LUST -->why in the...why is it lust?!
Fun to be with.[well:))]
Loves to try new things.[yeahp]
Boy/girls LOVE you.[aww shux, enough, enough. :> :))]
You are very hott. [why thankyou!:))]
Secretive.[yeah, sometimes]
Difficult to fathom and to be understood[yeerpp, sometimes.]
Quiet unless excited or tensed.[oh yeah. :))]
Takes pride in oneself.
Has reputation. [errm, no suree]
Easily consoled.[eh?]
Honest.[guess so. haha. yeah, I am. hahaha]
Concerned about people's feelings.[yeah!!]
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable [honestly, yeah. haha>:)]
Moody and easily hurt.[yup:(]
Witty and sparkly. [everybody says this.:p]
spazzy at times.
Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets. [it is hard for me to forget. siggh]
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.[oo!!]
Guides others physically and mentally.
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and loving.[when i say i love you, i mean it.]
Treats others equally. [guess so]
Strong sense of sympathy.[oo!!kahit sa aso pa. :))]
Wary and sharp.
Judges people through observations. [this is getting freakyyy]
No difficulties in studying. [WRONG. :))] Loves to be alone.
Always broods about the past and the old friends.[YEAH.]
Waits for friends.
Never looks for friends.
Not aggressive unless provoked.[myy..natatakot na ko. :))]
Loves to be loved. [:> <33333]
Easily hurt but takes long to recover. [like what im experiencing right now. :|]

Soo...freaky noh?Tell me if you agree. :p

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