Tuesday, February 06, 2007

vanguards need more teamwork

This post has nothing to do with ze title. :))

Well, I saw this post in Friendster, and i find it amusing. Is it all just coincidence?

JUNE = LUST -->why in the...why is it lust?!
Fun to be with.[well:))]
Loves to try new things.[yeahp]
Boy/girls LOVE you.[aww shux, enough, enough. :> :))]
You are very hott. [why thankyou!:))]
Secretive.[yeah, sometimes]
Difficult to fathom and to be understood[yeerpp, sometimes.]
Quiet unless excited or tensed.[oh yeah. :))]
Takes pride in oneself.
Has reputation. [errm, no suree]
Easily consoled.[eh?]
Honest.[guess so. haha. yeah, I am. hahaha]
Concerned about people's feelings.[yeah!!]
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable [honestly, yeah. haha>:)]
Moody and easily hurt.[yup:(]
Witty and sparkly. [everybody says this.:p]
spazzy at times.
Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets. [it is hard for me to forget. siggh]
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.[oo!!]
Guides others physically and mentally.
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and loving.[when i say i love you, i mean it.]
Treats others equally. [guess so]
Strong sense of sympathy.[oo!!kahit sa aso pa. :))]
Wary and sharp.
Judges people through observations. [this is getting freakyyy]
No difficulties in studying. [WRONG. :))] Loves to be alone.
Always broods about the past and the old friends.[YEAH.]
Waits for friends.
Never looks for friends.
Not aggressive unless provoked.[myy..natatakot na ko. :))]
Loves to be loved. [:> <33333]
Easily hurt but takes long to recover. [like what im experiencing right now. :|]

Soo...freaky noh?Tell me if you agree. :p

Friday, February 02, 2007

wrap it up!

Its been a while. Its been a while. Hah. Remember that Dec. 08 post? Yeah. Its different now. :D

Prom is near! Yay. :) Its on Feb. 27, at Edsa Shangri-La Sweet. :) The fee is 1800 pesos! @_@ Gracious. Same fee for the outsiders. I have a date, and hes an outsider. Atleast I think I have. Feb 27 is a Tuesday, and he has school the next day. Dunno if hes still going. Poo. :(

The theme of the Prom is Vintage Rock. Our souvenirs gonna be shirts. Claps for Pao for making the design, claps for Kit and her dad for making the shirts. Hope it'll look good. Hope the PROM would look good! Im not paying 1800 bucks for a plain old prom! It should be awesome.

I have a gown already. Well, I chose pa lang. Later were going to the girl once again, so Id choose what cloth Im gonna use. Hope itll turn out smashing. :D

Party later at Sarahs. Gotta change now.


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