Thursday, June 01, 2006
May 26
TDR. Fun, but I wasnt used to dancing on a big big stage.
May 28
Went to Church for the "Acquaintance Party" which was pointless because we already knew eachother for like 10 years or so. It was still fun. I hosted the games. 'Twas funny. But I had to go home early because I had to get ready for the show.
Arrived home, took a bath and then blowdried my hair. We bought this super cheap hair spray so that my hair would be Obssesive Compulsively neat. But, that hair spray was like water with scent when sprayed onto hair.USELESS. So we just used my Kuya's Clay Doh wax from Bench Fix. My hair was neat, but it was hard. :)) I hated the texture. Its sticky, and stuff. Got ready, went off. Arrived at AFP Theater. Saw Mum and Dad, said hi. Chuverly I dint know where my classmates were. I thought I was the 1st one. :)) Blah.Blah.Bleng.Blong. Saw my friends, went with them, took pictures, went backstage. Blah.Blah.

Here, with my loves. :) Kiana , Me , Max , Lianna Ü
Just check out my Multiply. Clickie here.
After the show, picture picture, Playshop Reunion [Haha], mingle mingle, etc. We ate at UCC near Conti's in San Juan. Kianas family was there, too. So we ate with them. Tito Gary wanted to talk to my Dad, so he sat beside him. Also, Mum pala. I, on the other hand, sat with them. So sila Ate Nina, Nadine, Kuya Mikko, Nikko ang magkakasama. Tahimik lang ako. :)) Unusual, e? :)) I was bored waiting for the food, so Tito Gary told me stories about his experiences. About the time he wore his contacts for the whole day, and by evening, he took 'em out, but his eyes were dry, so the black part of his eyes were scratched, and that everytime he would blink, it would hurt more. And about the time he went to the doctor so that he would be cured, he was so embarassed because he was screaming out loud. Blah.Blah.Bleng.Blong. Went home, chuva. Hahaha/:)
>> I am already tired of typing. I shall post again some other time:D
Farewell my loves. :-*
TDR. Fun, but I wasnt used to dancing on a big big stage.
May 28
Went to Church for the "Acquaintance Party" which was pointless because we already knew eachother for like 10 years or so. It was still fun. I hosted the games. 'Twas funny. But I had to go home early because I had to get ready for the show.
Arrived home, took a bath and then blowdried my hair. We bought this super cheap hair spray so that my hair would be Obssesive Compulsively neat. But, that hair spray was like water with scent when sprayed onto hair.

Here, with my loves. :) Kiana , Me , Max , Lianna Ü
Just check out my Multiply. Clickie here.
After the show, picture picture, Playshop Reunion [Haha], mingle mingle, etc. We ate at UCC near Conti's in San Juan. Kianas family was there, too. So we ate with them. Tito Gary wanted to talk to my Dad, so he sat beside him. Also, Mum pala. I, on the other hand, sat with them. So sila Ate Nina, Nadine, Kuya Mikko, Nikko ang magkakasama. Tahimik lang ako. :)) Unusual, e? :)) I was bored waiting for the food, so Tito Gary told me stories about his experiences. About the time he wore his contacts for the whole day, and by evening, he took 'em out, but his eyes were dry, so the black part of his eyes were scratched, and that everytime he would blink, it would hurt more. And about the time he went to the doctor so that he would be cured, he was so embarassed because he was screaming out loud. Blah.Blah.Bleng.Blong. Went home, chuva. Hahaha/:)
>> I am already tired of typing. I shall post again some other time:D
Farewell my loves. :-*
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