Wednesday, May 17, 2006

changes in life

Indeed, I must say. I have changed! After Sibol Camp 06, my relationship with God has been better. You might have been wondering why I havent been posting here. Well, 3 things are for a fact. First of all, I was lazy. Second, I've nothing to write about. Its just the usual rounds. Third, I am still in the stage of observation. Observing how much I have changed after the camp. And also, I am still gathering all the scattered words and thoughts to bring up a post.

Now, I will drain you with my witty [oh really?] thoughts and words..=) expect this to be long..=)

I am still in my world. My comfort zone. After camp life is hard. Very hard. Its because, in camp, you are with people who are close with God. People who are also in the stage of where you are right now. They relate, understand and hear you.

I was already nervous while I was still in the bus going home. Thinking, "what would my friends think of me?" or rather "how can I share God with them?".

When I arrived home, CULTURE SHOCK. I had no tv, internet, etc for 5 whole days. I was used to being SIMPLE. Big difference in food at home and in camp. Well, for me. Plus, in camp I was used to be sleeping by 10:00 PM and waking up like 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning. Taking a bath with super cold water. And listening to lectures early in the morning. Being a server in selected meal times, or dishwasher, or cleaning the stinky bathroom. Sleeping in an uncomfy cushion, with no electricfan, and with mosquitos feasting on you.


Now, I am raising my hands and closing my eyes while Praise and Worship time. I listen more attentively in lectures. These has been great accomplishments! But still, I have one thing I MUST learn. How will I share Jesus to others without thinking "what will their reaction be?" or "will they think Im a freak?". At times, it has been a hindrance. BUT IT MUST NOT BE!!

I am still a Disciple in training :} And boy does it feel so great. :}

I must join LC-DC camp next year. Or join other church camps. =)

Big thanks to:
Ate Nika:Ate Mico:Ate Di:Ate Mhean:Ate Flora
:Ate Kates:Ate Gerlen:Ate Shebel:Ate Awee

Kuya Nono:Kuya Vernz:Kuya Alex:Kuya Jun
:Kuya Mars:Kuya Bong:and the Kuya Cooker[idk his name:P]

-->Did I miss any councilor?
Please tell me. My mind capacity is only 512
MB, not 1 GB. heeh=) Just kidding.:}

And of course, MY CAMPMATES!
Theyre so many. Like 32..

Hannah:Marianne:Wen:Marjorie[not dumadaug]:Gee-ann:Ces:Ezel:Aina:Lois:Gladys:Erin:Dallie


And most especially, SARAH AND MAU! =) my first barkada there. hehehe=)

-->It has been a random post [Well, in my point of view.]

Well, Totta.


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